Happy Creation Day Open Minded avec PRP

Cosmetics packaging for tomorrow
SERAM is proud to be partner of PRP for this second edition devoted to the challenges of cosmetic packaging, and organized around 5 main moments: 1 conference of exceptional depth, 1 round table, 3 villages, the visit of the factory whine manufacturing, and an original parade, entirely imagined by SERAM.
The parade by SERAM
Like a fashion parade, 20 models will be highlighted.They are, created by the students of the ” lycée des Métiers de la Mode – Adrien Testud ” (High School for Fashion) and are made from the packaging waste produced by PRP and decorative accessories and solutions from SERAM, with the commitment of Teachers Blandine Goin and Séverine Petiot.
Conference: collective performance
Dorine Bourneton, aerobatic pilot, is the first disabled woman in the world to perform this activity. She will illustrate the surpassing of oneself, passion, excellence and daring, and also the need to work together and the lessons of failure in success process.
Round table: Influencers in cosmetics: opportunities and threats for brand image
Led by Alissa Demorest, Editor-in-Chief of Formes de Luxe with Marine Chevalier, CEO of My Beauty Community.
3 villages will welcome experts on the challenges of cosmetics packaging: green packaging, recycling, connected packaging, consumer experience via digital applications and influencing networks of cosmetics world.
Visit of the PRP workshops
Discovery of various technologies proceeded by PRP and 3D machines, in cooperation with the plastics truck PUXI “Lab’Mobile”.
* Led by Lucie Meignien, SERAM’s Cosmetic Collection Manager, the students of the Testud fashion school create the models in real conditions, according to a specifications sheet. They interpret 4 trendsets developed by SERAM in relation with the summer 2020 flagship topics.
1 group, from fashion and sewing training sessions, meets on a voluntary basis during creative Wednesdays, while a second group concretizes this project within the training ”underwear”. PRP provides them with productions waste, that are normally recycled, such as packagings with defects, while SERAM enhances them with a selection of decoration and accessories, with creativity and originality.